EVIDENT      奥林巴斯      cellSens     成像软件
  • EVIDENT      奥林巴斯      cellSens     成像软件

EVIDENT 奥林巴斯 cellSens 成像软件

EVIDENT 奥林巴斯 cellSens 成像软件
Intuitive Operation. Seamless Workflow. 奥林巴斯cellSens平台打造了基于操作人员偏好工作流的独特个性化及直观成像体验。 cellSens可实现对图标、工具栏和控件显示及位置的全面控制,简化了桌面,并提高了工作效率。 cellSens便于使用,功能强大且灵活。软件使用了模块设计,可以根据预算,及成像应用进行选配。这就使该软件能够不断发展并满足研究的需求。

EVIDENT      奥林巴斯      cellSens     成像软件

cellSens Entry

cellSens Entry是想要进入数字图像采集和文档记录领域的研究人员理想的垫脚石,它提供了简单图像采集所需的所有工具。

  • Entry
  • 手动流程
  • 编码装置
  • 数据库客户端
  • 交互式测量方法


cellSens Standard

奥林巴斯 cellSens Standard 软件,是 cellSens Entry的高阶版,不仅可拍摄单张图片,更可识别/控制显微镜的编码/电动部件,实现复杂采图过程(如时间序列拍摄/多色荧光采图等)。

  • Standard
  • Multiposition
  • Count & Measure
  • Manual Process
  • Database Core
  • Database Client
  • Confluency Checker
  • NetCam

cellSens Dimension

奥林巴斯cellSens DimensioncellSens软件的全能版本, 控制全电动显微镜系统,根据需要组合执行复杂实验流程(长时间time-lapse/多层z-stack/多色/多点/拼图/自动对焦等),且具备强大的图像分析处理功能。

  • Dimension
  • Multiposition
  • Count & Measure
  • CI Deconvolution
  • Well Plate Navigator
  • Ratio / FRET
  • Photo Manipulation
  • Database Core
  • Database Client
  • NetCam
  • Life Science Analysis




-图形化实验管理员( GEM:Graphic Experiment Manager ):用图形化的方式直观组合需要的采图功能,轻松实现复杂实验流程。

-滴定板导航器(WN: Well Navigator)(多孔板):采图设置流程化,且图像与多孔板的孔位可一一对应视图,界面友好

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特有的TruSight消卷积(反卷积)功能和各种强大的图像处理技术,根据展示或分析需要,灵活处理图片。同时,结合会议模式(Conference Mode),轻松共享实验图片,使用内置的报告模板,拖-放图文即可生成专业的报告。

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利用自定义功能(My Function)工具,按照个人习惯设置个性化软件工作界面,自由组合采图和分析工具窗口。

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cellSens Functions and Optional Solutions

LayoutUser experience customization
ViewOverlay multiple images-
Document groups for side-by-side image comparison
Movie playback
Tile view (multiple images in a single data set shown side-by-side)
Slice view for orthogonal plane viewing of 3D or time-lapse data sets--
Voxel viewer for isosurface and volumetric rendering of 3D and 4D data sets--
Image AcquisitionSnap/movie acquisition
Time-lapse at specified interval-
Automated multiwavelength-
Multidimensional  (XYZT and wavelength)--
Graphical Experiment Manager--
Manual panoramic imaging (Instant MIA and Manual MIA)Manual ProcessManual Process
Multiposition visitation and stage navigatorMultiposition--
Automated panoramic imaging (auto MIA, requires motorized stage)Multiposition--
Instantly create EFI image (manual or motorized Z)Manual ProcessManual Process
Simultaneous multicolor Imaging (requires two identical cameras** or image splitter)--
Live deblurring--
High dynamic range imaging (HDRI)--
Multiwell plate acquisitionWell plate navigator and Multiposition--
Image ProcessingGeometry/combine/filter processing-
Fluorescence unmixing--
Brightfield unmixingCount & Measure--
Deblurring (No/Nearest Neighbor, Wiener Filter)--
2D deconvolution--
3D deconvolution (constrained iterative deconvolution with GPU process)CI Deconvolution--
Image AnalysisPhase analysis--
Object measurements and classificationCount & MeasureCount & Measure-
Interactive 2D measurements✓*
Intensity plot over time/z--
Object counting (manual)-
Object trackingTracking and Count & Measure--
Online ratio and kineticsRatio/FRET--
Ratio analysis (offline)--
FRET analysisRatio/FRET or Life Science Analysis--
FRAP analysisPhoto Manipulation or Life Science Analysis--
Cell count and confluency measurementsConfluency Checker-
Deep LearningTraining of Neural NetworksDeep LearningDeep Learning-
Inference using trained Neural Networks (offline/online)Deep Learning or Count & MeasureDeep Learning or Count & Measure-
Documentation and CollaborationAutomatically compose MS Word reports--
Database image and data management solution for microscopyDatabase CoreDatabase Core-
Open database and load records/documents from database Database ClientDatabase ClientDatabase Client
RemotingRemote live image viewingNetCamNetCam-
* Three points angle, four points angle, arbitrary line, closed polygon, polyline and perpendicular line only. Interactive 2D measurements option is needed to add other measurement tools and make exporting Excel spreadsheets possible.
** Supported cameras: iXon Ultra 897, Zyla 5.5 (USB 3.0), Zyla 4.2 (USB 3.0/CamLink), Neo, iXon Ultra 888, ImagEM X2, ORCA-Flash 4.0 (V2/V3), Prime 95B, Prime BSI, Prime BSI Express, Sona4.2B-11, ORCA Fusion, ORCS-Fusion BT, ORCA-QUEST

Products with Confirmed Functionality

OlympusCameraDP22, DP23, DP23M, DP27, DP28, DP74, DP75, DP80, XM10, UC90, LC20, LC30, LC35, SC50, SC180
MicoscopeBX43, BX53, BX63, BX61, BX61WI, IX83, IX73, IX81, SZX16A-
IX81-ZDC, IX81-ZDC2--
PeripheralsBX-DSU, IX3-DSU, IX3-ZDC, IX3-ZDC2, IX2-DSU, IX2-ZDC, IX2ZDC2, U-CBF, cellTIRF (multiline, single line), USB-ODB converter, Real Time Controller (U-RTCE)--
Light SourceU-LGPS-
HamamatsuCameraImagEMX2, ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3, ORCA-Flash 4.0 LT PLUS, ORCA-Flash 4.0 LT3, ORCA-Fusion, ORCA-Fusion BT, ORCA-QUEST--
Image SplitterW-View Gemini--
Q-ImagingCameraRetiga 6000--
PhotometricsCameraPrime (PCI-Express), Prime 95B, Prime BSI, Prime BSI Express, Moment--
Image SplitterDual View DV2 / QuadView QV2--
AndorCameraiXon Ultra 897, iXon Ultra 888, iXon Life 888, iXon Life 897, Sona4.2B-11,Zyla4.2/Zyla4.2 PLUS (Camera-link,USB3.0), Zyla5.5 (Camera-link 10tap,USB3.0), ZL41 Cell 4.2 (Camera-link,USB3.0), Neo5.5--
Vincent AssociatesShutterUniblitz shutter (VCM-D1, VMM-D1, VMM-D3)-
CoolLEDLight SourcepE-1, pE-2, pE800, pE-4000--
 pE-300white, pE-300ultra, pE-340fura-
ExcelitasLight SourceX-Cite120LED, X-Cite XYLIS, X-Cite TURBO--
LumencorLight SourceSOLA SEII, SEII 365, Spectra X--
SutterShutter, FWLambda 10-3/10-B--
PriorMotorized XY StageProScan III, Optiscan IIIMultiposition--
Shutter, FW, Z-driveProScan (I, II, III) , Optiscan III--
Piezo Z (Control via Real Time Controller)NanoScanZ NZ100--
LudlMotorized XY StageMac 6000Multiposition--
Shutter, FW, Z-driveMac 6000--
MärzhäuserMotorized XY StageTango, Pilot StageMultiposition--

Z-drive Controller

Physik InstrumentePiezo Z (Control via Real Time Controller)PIFOC P-721--
Applied Scientific InstrumetationMotorized XY StageMS-2000Multiposition--
Z-drive ControllerMS-2000



National InstrumentsDigital TTL DeviceNI USB-6501--
NI USB-6343 BNCLaser Control--
YokogawaCSUCSU-X1, CSU-W1--
Regarding the detailed Windows OS compatibility, please contact an Evident sales representative.

Compatible image formats

Read and writeJPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF, BMP, AVI, PNG, VSI, PSD(Adobe Photoshop), Big TIFF, OIR
Read onlyGIF, OIF/OIB(FLUOVIEW format), Cell, STK (MetaMorph), MRC (Medical Research Council)

System requirements

OSMicrosoft Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) (22H2), Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)(23H2)
OS LanguageEnglish, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, German and Italian (Entry and Standard)
CPUIntel Core i5, Intel Core i7, Intel Xeon Recommended for high-speed image acquisition: QuadCore
RAM8GB for general applications, 16GB or more is recommended for high-speed image acquisition, 32GB or more is recommended for Deep learning
(For DP23/DP28/DP23M, dual memory is recommended for high frame rate imaging)
HDD5 GB for installation
Recommended for high speed image acquisition: Solid State Drive (SSD)

Software version update

Version update is available for the next version following the version written on license card. (Exclude updating sub-minor versions)  An update that spans 2 or more major or minor versions is required an update license.
Update license provides access to the latest version of cellSens after above period.

手机/微信:13242449659电话:0755-89355351 QQ:842471885 邮箱:842471885@qq.com

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